Contact us
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SportActive, your specialist for Cycling Training Camps & Cycling Holidays in Mallorca and Europe
51-55 Carlisle Road
Londonderry, BT48 6JL
N Ireland
Telephone: 0044/ (0)28 713 659 97 - Mobile Phone: 0044/ (0)75 997 191 79
If you have any questions at all concerning SportActive, the Team leaders, the time schedules, about the way we determine the different group levels, help you making the right choice for your group, find out if you will be strong enough for an active holiday, about our future programmes…. please do not hesitate to contact us.
Either by e-mail or by phone; it is sometimes easier just to talk than writing long mails.
Si vous souhaitez écrire ou parler en français, Flora répondra en français, à vos e-mails et aux numéros de téléphone indiqués plus bas.
Wenn Sie Deutsch schreiben oder sprechen möchten, Flora wird auf Deutsch auf Ihre E-mail und auch am Telefon unter den angegebenen Nummern antworten.
Flora Mittermair
17 avenue du 11 Novembre
F-69110 Ste Foy les Lyon
Tel 0033/ (0)4 78 59 18 90
mobile 0033/ (0)6 99 79 12 54