Keep your Bike in Tip-top Condition in the cold Winter Months
Keep your Bike in Tip-top Condition in the cold Winter Months
With winter well and truly here it is important that you keep your bike well maintained. Salt, grit, moisture, and petrol residue will all do damage to your bike in the winter season. With this in mind let's look at how you can prevent this from damaging your bike and your riding schedule.
The Chain
The chain is always under pressure when you ride. Even if you cycle a few miles a day to work, the chain is working tirelessly to pull that back wheel round. In the winter months it is placed under more stress as it starts to clog with grit, grime, salt, and mud. Ensure your chain is clean and well lubricated. You may want to invest in a chain checker to ensure you are on top of chain maintenance.
Cable Care
Cable care consists of lubricating the ones fitted to your bike and in worst case scenarios replacing the cable completely. Although not under the same stresses as your chain, your bike cables are close to the action and pick up the same amount of grit, grime, mud, and salt. Keeping your cables clean and well lubricated is essential for a better riding experience.
If you feel your servicing efforts or not doing the job, you will probably have to replace the cables. There is an array of tools you can buy to help you to do this.
Ensure you check all cables and replace the ones that are passed their best.
If your tyres are looking worn you should replace them for winter months. Ideally you want tyres which have more traction and as such provide better grip on frosty, wet roads. This also helps with steeper climbs. Some tyres are purpose built for the cold months, so an investment in these could be a good idea. The rule here is that should you have any doubts about your tyres replace them.
If you find you are picking up mysterious punchers, change your tyres.
Brakes are essential for good riding. Other than ensuring cables are clean and lubricated, always ensure your brakes are in good working order before you ride. Adjust your brakes to ensure they are in tip-top condition. It is always a good idea to have spare brake blocks handy so you can change them if you need to.
Lights and Clothing
Visibility can be considerably reduced for us cyclists, but this is far worse if you are driving a vehicle. To that end always ensure your lights work, are clean, and the battery is producing enough power to ensure you are visible to other traffic. Your clothes should be high-viz reflective. So much so that you should ensure that at least 50% of your can be seen from a good distance when a car headlight illuminates you.
Although not very trendy, good mudguards serve a variety of purposes. One of which is that they protect your bike from picking up all the harmful substances that we have talked about before. There are a variety of mudguards for all kinds of bikes. A good mudguard can prevent brake fittings, and cable ends from corrosive substances.
Cover your Bike When Parked
For the shown bike shelter visit (We don't get any commission at SportActive, but we think this is a great item and therefore want you have have the information that it exists).
Final Thoughts
If you protect your bike for the winter, you will have better rides. If you have better rides, you will enjoy and get more out of your cycling, whether you are a commuter, or a serious rider.
submitted on 31/12/2014