Home Trainer Program - week 5
This is our 5th week home trainer program and also (hopefully!) the last as everybody in Europe should be out of confinement by the end of this week. Some countries have already started their de-confinement (Germany, Italy, Spain), although in some areas of Germany they had to tighten it again as too many new cases were registered (which tells the importance of the social distancing and other protection measures). France will start the de-confinement on Monday 11th May 2020. This means I'll be out on my bike on Monday...; unfortunately, after weeks of sunshine and tempertures up to 27°C Monday's weather forecast is heavy rain and temperatures feeling like winter!
Our past four programs looked like the following:
- week 1: endurance
- week 2: strenght & core
- week 3: anaerobic exercises
- week 4: recovery with endurance work outs
And week 5 will be some higher intensity again to get you ready for the road: I propose to do Strength & Core increasing the duration of the efforts compared to our second week's program.
As a reminder, we run two training plans parallel each week: Martin's programs based on power. You need to know your FTP, VO2 Max and need a power meter to do these workouts. (The links to Martin's programs are at the end of this page)
As not everybody is at that technical a level, we also propose Flora's training plans based on cadence and feeling of the gears. They are much easier as well.
Week 5: Strength & Core
These exercises are to perfect the skill of riding out of the saddle. It will also enhance your ability to do it on the road.The exercise is predominantly for core stability.
Just a little reminder of the important points:
First thing: make sure your home trainer is stable.
You get out of the saddle when your right foot is at ten past twelve (or your left foot). This is to keep the bike going forward and not stalling. This of course is valid in an outdoor cycling situation as your home trainer will not stall.
Before getting out of the seat take a heavier gear. The gear has to be heavy enough so that when you go out of the saddle you have enough resistance on the down stroke so that the pedal does not drop suddenly. Once you are out of the saddle, increase the resistance further to reach the necessary pressure under your pedals.
Martin has done a little video for us showing how to ride out of the saddle correctly. You would think there is really no difficulty in this, but you will see that there are fine tricks to doing it right and not losing momentum in the climb. (Thank you Martin!)
Experiment this procedure before you go into the training session.
The Strength & Core can be done 3 times per week. Build in a recovery day between each workout.
Strength & Core 42 min
- 10 min. warm up. Take an easy gear and turn the legs at a cadence of approx. 80 rpm. Not too easy, you need to feel some pressure under the pedals.
- First effort 4 min 50 rpm: move up to a heavier gear allowing you to pedal standing. You need to feel strong pressure under your pedals. Standing, your heart rate will increase.
- Recovery 5 min: take lighter gear and sit down on the saddle; 80 rpm. Recover your breathing.
- Second effort 4 min 50 rpm: same as effort 1. Heavier gear, out of the saddle
- Recovery 5 min: take lighter gear and sit down on the saddle; 80 rpm. Recover your breathing.
- Third effort 4 min 50 rpm: same as effort 1. Heavier gear, out of the saddle
- 10 min cool down to finish; same cadence and rpm as for the warm up
Total time: 42 min
If you find it hard (or too easy) don't hesitate to choose your number of efforts. Up to 5 max.
Recovery: 30 minutes
Take an easy gear and turn the legs at a cadence of approx. 80 rpm. Not too easy, you need to feel some pressure under the pedals.
The Strength & Core can be done 3 times per week. Build in a recovery session between each workout.
Want to see/use Flora's five weeks home trainer programs? Here are the links:
- week 1-Endurance
- week 2-Strength & Core
- week 3-Anaerobic exercises
- week 4-Endurance
- week 5-Strength & Core
Want to see/use Martin's home trainer programs based on power? Below are the links:
- week 1-Endurance Training
- week 2-Threshold Training
- week 3-Anaerobic VO2 Max
- week 4-Endurance Training
- week 5-High Intensity Intervals
Take care or yourself and keep cycling...
Remember: Make the decision not to get infected by the virus and act accordingly.
Submitted: 10/5/2020