Home Trainer Program - week 4 - Power Meter Based
This is our week 4 home trainer program. The last two weeks with threshold training in week 2 and anaerobic VO2 Max workouts in week 3 were quite arduous, and we have to allow for some recovery to anchor this work. If you fail to do so, you will lose the benefits of the work carried out.
Thus, this week we'll do endurance work outs, i.e. the same program as we did in week 1.
As a reminder for those who may not have gone through our week 1 program, you need to know your Functional Threshold Power (FTP) as this figure is needed for all training sessions.
The FTP is the maximal average power in watts that the cyclist can maintain in a quasi-steady state without fatiguing for 60 minutes. You need a power meter on your bike.
There are various methods to establish your FTP. The one we prefer, especially in the present Covid-19 lockdown situation, is the 20-Minute FTP Test.
Your FTP will be 95% of your average power during the 20 minute effort.
If you don't know your FTP, please click the link to learn how to determine your FTP.
After this week's endurance training, you will have to do a new measure of your FTP and compare it to your first figure before you started week 1 program. If the training sessions of the previous three weeks have been done as they should, your FTP result will have increased.
Examples of power based workouts based on your FTP
Endurance: 2.0-2.30 hours
Warm up 15 min @50-55% of FTP
1.3 to 2.0 hours @ 69 to 75% FTP Cadence 85 to 90 rpm
During the 1.3 to 2.0 hours effort do 2 short bursts seated for 8sec every 10 min taking the RPM to 130
Watts should be close to 85% FTP for the 8 sec efforts
Cool down for 15 min @48 to 51% FTP
Active Recovery: 1.0 to 1.30 hours
Warm up 15 min @48-51% of FTP
30min to 1 hour @62% of FTP Cadence 90-95 rpm
Cool down 15 min @ 48% of FTP
Workout example for one week:
- Day 1 & 2: Endurance efforts (for example, Sunday & Monday)
- Day 3: Active Recovery effort (for example, Tuesday)
- Day 4 & 5: Endurance efforts (for example Wednesday & Thursday
- Day 6: Active Recovery effort (for example, Friday)
- Day 7: rest day (for example, Saturday)
The Endurance can be done 4 times per week.
Want to see/use Martin's home trainer programs based on power? Below are the links:
- week 1-Endurance Training
- week 2-Threshold Training
- week 3-Anaerobic VO2 Max
- week 4-Endurance Training
- week 5-High Intensity Intervals
Submitted: 30/04/2020