Joyseat Saddle Review. Has Posedla Solved the Comfort Problem?
SportActive’s Flora is an accomplished cyclist, conquering some of the fiercest alpine events on the amateur circuit. One issue she has always faced is finding a saddle that allows her to ride in comfort. “I’ve had problems for years,” she commented on a ride with a SportActive head cycling coach, Martin.
Being able to ride in comfort is essential to good cycling. It avoids injury, saddle soreness, and makes cycling a far more enjoyable and rewarding experience. The better you sit the better your posture and the more effective and better your cycling.
If you want to progress and enjoy cycling, getting the right saddle is critical. You’re not going to ride for miles and miles while suffering soreness.
So with this in mind, is Posedla’s 3D-printed “Joyseat” the answer to the comfort issue? In Flora’s opinion, Posedla have absolutely solved the issue, using the latest 3D printing technology.
“It feels like you’re sitting correctly. You have far more contact points.”
Posedla’s Process
Posedla creates a saddle bespoke to your body. They send you a cushion which you sit on as this provides a mould for the geniuses at Posedla to work their magic. You take various photographs, send the cushion and the photos to Posedla, and using 3D printing technology they create your bespoke seat.
Get Your Posedla Saddle and Ride in Comfort
You can get your Posedla seat simply by clicking this link: Joyseat Saddle, and ride in comfort forever more.
How good is that?
Get your saddle and hit the road!
Submitted: 17/7/24